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Blog Post

Lynn Richter's Personal Story


Each person on the team has their own story, their own experience when they travel to and visit Tender Mercies. One of the joys of this team is the ability to share every morning to start the next day of work and prepare for the joy and privilege of playing with and getting to know so many children. Lynn Richter, sister to our chairman Tom Jacques, has wanted to travel with us for years. And her plans came to fruition this time around. Read below to hear a little about her day at the Nazigo village eyeglass and Sickle Cell medical clinic.


It’s Friday and our day began with the usual Muslim prayers over the loudspeakers followed by the town crier announcing the local news. I was excited to get going to Tender Mercies and begin the eyeglass clinic which gave me the opportunity to interact with members of the community.

Some of our older children stepped in to assist the team (with the eyeglass clinic) - that was such a blessing. People (from all over the community) were already waiting for us, it was a wonderful feeling to see the many beautiful faces. The greatest joy was seeing people checking out their new reading glasses by reading.

I will say I may have accidentally given a little peep show when a curious bee flew in my shirt and landed in my bra. Without thinking I let the little creature free!

The next clinic was in Nazigo where drummers welcomed us with a beat that couldn’t help but make me want to move. After speeches and prayer, I was again filled with love and joy for these beautiful people who smiled when they could read with their new glasses. I felt blessed when people took my hands to thank me. The people were beautiful in every way.

At the end of the clinic we were gifted with pineapples grown by the community. It was humbling to receive the precious gifts. Of course, the day would not be complete without the talents of the drummers and our children on the team dancing and sharing their musical talents. While we were all tired, I felt rejuvenated by their enthusiasm and pure joy.” - Lynn Richter


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